
Faces & Places

“You don't need meat at every meal,' Riley offered, forking another bite of salad into his mouth and inwardly agreeing with Jack that it was certainly lacking something. Jack was quiet for all of ten seconds, and then he couldn't hold in his opinion one second more.

A Presidential Ideal

The Yeoman’s Ideal What did Thomas Jefferson think about farmers? To anyone who looks up quotes by Jefferson about farmers and rural life, this seems like a dumb question. Jefferson endorsed the farmer—specifically the small farmer—more powerfully than any other president on record.

Take a hike to Anthony, Texas, for Leap Year Festival

Take a hike to Anthony, Texas, for Leap Year Festival It’s that time. An added day to keep the Gregorian Calendar happy so that all is well in mathematics of the Earth’s rotation around the sun (which is exactly 365.25 days).

Federal judge appears skeptical of new border law

A federal judge is expected to rule quickly on the constitutionality of a Texas law about to go into effect that institutes new state penalties for illegal border crossings. During a hearing last week, U.S. District Judge David Ezra said he had concerns that other states would follow Texas’ lead in creating their own immigration laws – a power given exclusively to the federal government under the U.S. Constitution.

Code girls during World War II

Julia Garrett of Houston didn’t know her mother was a spy. When she found out, she became highly interested in the roll women played doing intelligence work during World War Two. Now she gives talks all over the country about the women who deciphered codes and helped win the war. After Pearl Harbor the military knew it needed to break codes.

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor, In response to a letter last week with good questions, I offer the following response. The reason for my series of letters is to inform the citizens of a serious concern.

2 Cents Worth

Wonderful rain once again, and I was so glad not to see the snow, just snow showers, and it melted. Joe's son at Lubbock was out in it all day helping his patients, and we worried about him all day. He got home late and had to go out again, Mary Allen said, ''I have raked off 3 inches of snow off of my car, so I can go to work in the morning!!!!!! Sorry folks I'd rather have the rain, we all have a hard time getting around we don't need 3 inches of snow, just the rain!!!!!!!


In the past, my editorial news commentary and my humor column, “This World of Hurt,” have appeared separately within the pages of this publication. This is in part because my humorous work began years before my editorial writing, as well as the fact that the experiences of one rarely contribute to the content of the other. Not the case this week, as personal encounters — the outcome of which was funnier for some than others — unquestionably overlapped with the professional.

The Peril of Disconnect

Why do we park on a driveway and drive on a parkway? It’s an old joke. I do not know its origins, but it’s a point of humor that seems to get passed on to children in books of jokes/riddles/mildly humorous wisecracks.